Get Involved
Step 1:
Join the PTA!
First and foremost, if you want to be a part of our PTA - Sign up as a member.
As a member of the PTA, you can vote on measures at our General PTA meetings and have a voice in how our funds are used to support our school and community.
You do not have to be a parent or a teacher to join. Students, grandparents, aunts/uncles, or simply community members who want to invest in our school are eligible to join.
How is money from memberships used?
$4 of every membership goes towards the National PTA and the NC PTA.
Any additional dollars go into our general fund which may be used for a variety of events or activities at our school. When you join the PTA, you have a vote on where that money goes.
Step 2:
Join a committee.
If you want to be more involved in how our dollars are put to use, you can join one of our many committees to help with the planning and execution of activities. Below is a list of our committees and how you might fit in. Click on the headings to email the committee chair to learn more!
Plans staff appreciation events, teacher lounge treats, along with events for welcoming students/teachers and fostering community.
Secures sponsorships, plans Spirit nights, puts on events such as the Book Fair and Fun Run, sells and distributes Spirit Wear.
Plans cultural events, STEM nights, Sensory/Neurodivergent education, diversity, equity and inclusion programs.
Advocates for the messages and interests of the NCPTA and National PTA issues and platforms. Very small time commitment
Creates and shares content via Newsletter and social media, maintains social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Maintains PTA directory, promotes member drives, and oversees room parents
Recruits and recommends individuals for roles on PTA board and committees
Oversees programs for those within and outside of the school (e.g. backpack buddies, holiday giving trees, food drives, book drive, etc.)
Reviews PTA budget and transaction quarterly and at the end of the fiscal year
Plans events for our 5th graders, including the End of the Year Celebration event